Moms time out Zone!

A letter to my Feisty-five year old…Happy Birthday Little one!

A letter to my Feisty-five year old…Happy Birthday Little one!

Dear Little one, who is outgrowing my lap pretty quickly, Happy Fifth Birthday.

I know, I am a bit late in writing this letter to you but blame it partially on you because damn, the energy you have all day long drains me dead by tonight (shhh, don’t tell anyone but your mommy’s middle name is procrastination). There is so much to write and so much to convey to you that my hands and mind are not in sync. Phew, let’s take a deep breath and channel one thought at a time:

  • You have started with learning consonant & vowel sounds in school and absolutely hate writing Hindi. Oh, the messy activities are your favorite.
  • The pandemic has made us all a bit lazy but you, my girl, have double the energy. This year out of the blue, you fell in love with drinking milk with chocolate syrup and I couldn’t be more proud to show off what a great mom I am that my kid drinks milk happily (*Typical Indian mom*).
  • Your love for pink is diminishing and purple & black seem to be the new hot colors of this year. The dresses in pink are not that interesting anymore and you are in absolute love with this year’s birthday dress. To be honest, we all are J
  • The storytelling and singing songs *especially in Hindi*(with no lyrics that have ever been written by any lyricist in Bollywood) are your favorite nowadays. Your love for non-stop talking is keeping us amused and tired, both.
  • Did I tell you that you are mesmerized by your hair so much that we are planning to buy a full-size mirror for your room? You love these tresses of yours but combing them, is a nightmare for me *tangled hair, every morning is an understatement, I swear*.
  • You are very vocal with your choices now and I am glad you understand people’s emotions so well. You pinpoint when someone is rude to another persona and full of so much compassion that this mama can’t stop gushing about it.
  • This year, we have gifted you a piano with a MICROPHONE and I swear, I regret my decision now because you are learning to make a “storm sound” at full volume with it. As far as the piano is concerned, well, we both are equally noisy and so not in rhythm.
  • You love being around people but just like your mom, get bored pretty easily and need all attention back on you.
  • This year we spent almost a month with your grandparents of both families and they all love you to the moon and back. Chikku DI and Ishi Di are now your best buddies.

I can’t end this letter without mentioning your love for paints, drawing, and colors. At this moment, your color box is overflowing with colors of all kinds, and yet you keep on insisting on buying more. Oh, you draw the prettiest houses and clouds (I have saved a few of your masterpieces in a diary).  This year you wanted a mermaid theme party and while due to lockdown we couldn’t invite your friends, we still managed to throw you a birthday party which you absolutely loved.


This pandemic has hit us all hard but your giggles are making it bearable for all of us. I told you this list is going to be never-ending, so keeping in mind time, I will put a pause here. You are the reason for our smiles little one and never forget that our love for you keeps growing in abundance with each passing day.

Hope one day you read this letter and realize how precious you are.

Happy Birthday my beautiful child.

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Mom of a beautiful and most adorable baby girl. I am a dreamer and a true optimist with a drop of crazy at heart. I have always been fascinated with the perpetual link of a pen and a heart. It amazes me how beautifully pen can write what heart truly believes. I am a stubborn daughter, pampered wife, doting mother and free-spirited human being. Do not forget to visit and

Reader Comments

  1. Is it is the best thing I have read in the whole day. She is a darling and I love each and every word you have writter here. She will be super proud reading this when she will grow up and understand these emotions better.

  2. Awww wish her a very happy birthday. Mine was yesterday the 12th. Yes girls are free to do what they want and I believe we are raising them the right way if they are happy with what they have.

  3. That is truly such a heart touching personal gesture of yours towards your daughter. You have so aptly summarized her personality and likes and dislikes in the post. Happy Birthday Princess.

  4. Firstly wishing Kuhu a very happy Birthday. She is a charming little girl and I find her smile Contagious. Much love to her and you. I love this letter you wrote to her. This was seriously very heartwarming Kavita.

  5. That’s such a sweet letter to your daughter! I am sure she will love reading it one day ?. In fact if you do this every year, then she will have so many lovely letters to read!
    And by the way I love the picture of hers that you have put at the top of your post. The beautiful dress and the lovely chrysanthemums totally suit her! God bless!

  6. Full-size mirror! Wish my mom read this, as I always demanded one, for the love of my tresses;). And yes, piano is something that I regretted when we gifted my son on his 3rd Birthday.

  7. Lot of blessings to your little one. The post is so relatable. My daughter has started the formal education this year that too in online mode, I understand how things are going.

  8. Happy Birthday to your little angle. I am sure she will cherish this letter through out her life. Just enjoy every moment and store these memories to revisit again and again.

  9. Such a heart warming letter for your daughters 5th birthday.. Must tell she’s an angel.. Happy birthday? to the little angel seriously kids grow so quickly in a blink of the eyes.. I wish all the best wishes for her coming future.

  10. Aww such a cute and heartfelt letter and I really loved the way you had included each tiny details here ranging from her favorite color to having a desire to getting attention from all. Lots of love to little one and wishing her a very happy birthday.

  11. Happy birthday to your princess!! Kids grow fast isn’t it? Just enjoy these moments, takes lots and lots of pictures and cherish each and every moment you spend with her.

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