Moms time out Zone!

How We Spent The Beautiful Lunch Date With Our Mom

How We Spent The Beautiful Lunch Date With Our Mom

Dear readers, there are mammoth changes taking place in our lives, and amidst all this, we decide to steal a few moments away to spend some quality time with our mom. The lunch date with Maa is not an everyday occurrence which is why this needed to be documented. After being married and with the responsibility of two kids such dates are more precious than ever.

Maa, the one who treats us like a kid and expects us to behave like an adult 🙂 My mom hates eating out but loves going out to explore new places, interesting, isn’t it? She will gladly join us in our impromptu plans and then keep scolding us for making such plans. Is your mom like this too?

I will let you in in secret, shhh don’t tell my mom. We take her out to the salon for a pampering session and never tell her the actual price. We buy things for her and never disclose the amount paid because hell hath no fury if she gets to know the real price.

To be honest, she is our favorite travel companion and yet the most difficult toddler-like human to take care of when it comes to food.

I am one of those blessed ones who stay near to my siblings and when mom decided to visit us, we all agreed unanimously to make the most out of this short trip. After much discussion, we finalized Alma Bakery & Cafe in Noida.

The ambiance is so beautiful that you will fall in love with it and the icing on the cake is the aroma of freshly baked pies. While we relished the freshly baked pizza maa explored their coffee section and enjoyed the hazelnut mocha. If you ever plan for a lunch date then do give this place a try and I am sure you will love it too.

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla.

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Mom of a beautiful and most adorable baby girl. I am a dreamer and a true optimist with a drop of crazy at heart. I have always been fascinated with the perpetual link of a pen and a heart. It amazes me how beautifully pen can write what heart truly believes. I am a stubborn daughter, pampered wife, doting mother and free-spirited human being. Do not forget to visit and

Reader Comments

  1. Alma is a branch of my beloved Defence Bakery – and I’m friends with the owners! So glad you liked it too!

  2. This was such a delightful read. I hear you. Well into my 40s and mom conveniently forgets that number succeeding the 4. We will always be her little girl.

  3. My mom loves her outings to the salon and mostly I’m the one screaming about the exorbitant prices and she’s the one asking me to take a chill pill. ??

  4. Dates with mom are the best! I loved going out with mom. I stay very close by her place and when ever I felt like having an ice cream also at night she was my partner. I miss her immensely now.

  5. Mom dates are awesome and you never get enough of them, its feels good, it feels best date ever and more over this date is never a ditch ?

  6. lol Kavita… so typical of mums to worry about the budget all the time… mine is the same too. happy that you all could make her happy and spend quality time together.

  7. My mom was also like this. She used to say I will not go to a movie or eat out. I used to cajole her to accompany us. I am glad you took your mom and I am sure she must have enjoyed the outing, the food and most of all, the company of her children.

  8. Wow, such a nice lunch date. Your mom surely enjoyed the saloon session. Did you tell her after that the actual price? My mom too like this. She love to travel but not like to spend too much. I guess everyone mom is same?

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