Moms time out Zone!

A Girl In The New Town By Alpana Deo

A Girl In The New Town By Alpana Deo

A page from my diary

Book: A girl in the new town

Author: Alpana Deo

Genre: Fiction

About the author:

Alpana is an established blogger and this is her debut book. From times of India to many top parenting blogs, her write-ups have been published everywhere.

I have been following her blog for a long time and love her writing skills. It is informative, simple and easy to understand. I was excited to read the book as the topic is relatable and the story revolves around it. From delicious recipes to parenting tips, you can find all at Mother’s Gurukul. Each post is well curated by Alpana.

There is a recipe for a sweet called Coconut-paneer hearts, you have to check it out and you will thank me.

Book Review:

Ria is a school girl who is going through some emotions due to her dad’s transfer to the new city. How parents make her understand the situation. How they prepare her for the change is what the book talks about. As expected with a 7-year-old kid, Ria doesn’t want to leave her friends. She is not sure if she will be able to cope up with the change. Simple language and smartly divided chapters make it an easy read. Through the eyes of a young girl, the apprehensions of moving to a new city have been wonderfully written.  

One of the best parts of the story, for me, was the way parents handled the situation when things got little confusing for their little one. There are a few sketches in the book that caught my attention too. The book has all the elements to keep your interest. From friendship bonding to parenting tips, from acknowledging child’s emotion to healthy communication among family members, it is indeed a bouquet of emotion.

The story is relatable to anyone and everyone who has moved to a different city for xyz reasons. Preparing your little one for any new change can be a challenging task, however, it is important to have an open communication with them and acknowledge their emotions. The book leaves you with an innocent smile on your face.

Book Review

My Recommendation:

If you are a parent who is about to move to a new place and you are wondering how to prep your child about this then don’t miss this book. It is a light read and I am sure it will be a good reading experience for your little one too.

It’s a light read and can be enjoyed on a weekend while you sip your tea and remember the days when you moved to a new place or away from your friends.

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Mom of a beautiful and most adorable baby girl. I am a dreamer and a true optimist with a drop of crazy at heart. I have always been fascinated with the perpetual link of a pen and a heart. It amazes me how beautifully pen can write what heart truly believes. I am a stubborn daughter, pampered wife, doting mother and free-spirited human being. Do not forget to visit and

Reader Comments

  1. Alpana is one of my favorite writers and a good friend too. I read so many lovely reviews for her debut book. Yet I have to read that. But hopefully will do soon. Thanks for your honest review.

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